About gallery photos
・Submitted photos will be posted to the gallery after the site's logo is added.
・If the tone and subject matter of a photo matches the content of an article posted to Doberman's blog (Japanese), the photo may be featured in that article. *Not all photos will be featured in articles.
・Up to one photo may be posted per week.
・The site reserves the right to refuse to post photos, videos, and comments that are inconsistent with the spirit of the site.
・When submitting photos to the gallery, the photos may also be used in videos if "may be used in video" is specified in the text.
・Your pictures and video clips will not be used outside Doberman Times, blog or Times-related social networks.
About videos Submitted
・videos will be edited to have the site logo added.
・Also, in order to ensure that the appeal of Dobermans is properly showcased, music may be added to the video or the video might be edited or trimming before posting.
・Introduce yourself (using your name, additional comments, etc.) in your video or the description.
・Photos or videos contributed by owners of their beloved pets (and only these photos or videos) are available for personal use. *Please do not change or edit the videos. Also, when using a photo or video, please list its URL.
・Your pictures and video clips will not be used outside Doberman Times, blog or Times-related social networks.
・Copyright for the original video remains with the owner.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.[info@dobermantimes.com]